Thursday, April 8, 2010

In Ventura this weekend...

We will have a booth at the Sacred Craft show this weekend
April 10th and 11th at the fairgrounds near C Street.
Will try to have a few boards to demo.
New prototypes shown here by Ekstrom,
new drawing shown here by certified test pilot,
shaper, and yard possum Tyler Warren.


Ben Braymer said...

Radical! I just recently had a mini simmons shaped by a friend here in the Great Lakes, had it out the past few days and love it. It is such an amazing design for our surf conditions. Check out my blog for pics of the board and surf.

surfthis said...

Thanks for posting these pics. Inspired me to make my own asymmetrical ride. I've wanted to do one for years and finally got it together to make one similar to the "piano curve" tail. The board is so fast and loose, can't wait to ride it in some point surf!